Confidant Club.

Confidant Club.

Are you that friend that all your friends text for beauty advice?

The Confidant Club was designed with you in mind!

What is the Confidant Club?

The Confidant Club is our way of appreciating our most trusted and helpful community members.

There are 3 levels to the Confidant Club that all offer different perks.

  1. Beauty Novice

  2. Beauty Enthusiast

  3. Beauty Icon

Tell me about the 3 levels of the Confidant Club.

Beauty Novices

  • Unlimited posts, meaning more opportunities to earn Gems!

  • Add images in reviews

  • Tag other members

  • Gift and receive Gems

Beauty Enthusiasts

  • All the perks available to Novices and…

  • Access to new and trendy Drops for Beauty Enthusiasts

  • Stand out in the app via the Beauty Enthusiast badge

  • Option to share affiliate links with the community or discount codes

Beauty Icons

This is the ultimate level of our Confidant Club.

  • All the perks available to Novices, Enthusiasts and…

  • Access to new and trendy Drops for Beauty Icons

    • Exclusive, Icon only drops

    • Higher value products

    • Better chances of claiming what you want

  • Icon only ways to earn Gems

  • Stand out in the feed via the eye catching Beauty Icon badge

  • Direct access to both founders

  • And more coming soon!

How do I join the Confidant Club?

To join the Confidant Club, you must be nominated by an existing Beauty Enthusiast or Beauty Icon. Nominations are then approved by the moderation team. Every member begins as a Beauty Novice.

After earning 5K gems, Novices automatically become Beauty Enthusiasts.

At 10K Gems, there is an opportunity to apply to become a Beauty Icon. Application, however, does not guarantee acceptance as an Icon. Icons uphold the bar for the Iris community. They have not only have tried a lot of products in beauty, but more importantly, they have earned the trust of the community. All Icon applications are evaluated on a case by case basis.

What are Gems? How can I earn Gems?

Earn Gems by being a good community member—create thoughtful product reviews, share your routines and lists and connect with other community members through uplifting discussions. The more you contribute to the community through quality posts and interactions, the more Gems you will earn. You can earn Gems directly from Iris or even be gifted Gems by fellow community members.

What if I am not yet in the Confidant Club?

Non-members are limited in their daily posts and interactions to help our moderators uphold a certain quality bar in the content on Iris.

  • Maximum of 5 posts per day

  • Unable to attach images in any posts

  • Unable to tag other community members

  • Unable to send and receive Gems as gifts

  • New app users are encouraged to enter giveaways!!!

Don’t worry if you’re not a member yet. You will continue accumulating Gems for your contributions and as long as you provide quality reviews and discussions back to the community, you will be nominated in no time!

How do nominations work?

Beauty Icons and Enthusiasts get 1 nomination per week. Staff and Moderators have unlimited nominations.

Once a new app user is nominated, Moderators and Staff will review and decide who gets accepted into the club. If a new user is accepted, all Icons and Enthusiasts who nominated them will earn Gems too.

How do I stay a member in good standing?

Keep contributing useful content to the community and you’re golden. To protect the integrity of the community, we reserve the right to kicked out or downgrade anyone in the Confidant Club that is violating our community guidelines. When a user is kicked out of the club, they become a non-member, and all restrictions apply. They are eligible to be nominated for the club again. Staff will decide on a case-by-case basis what happens with their gems.

Ready to embark on this journey with us? Download Iris to experience beauty differently.

***Note: Confidant Club will always be evolving as the app and community continues to grow.